Day 4
Early morning shot looking from our room to the Garden breakfast room. |
After an early start we were ready and over at the main hotel for breakfast in the garden room. A little bit over the top but as charming as you could wish for. A typical German breakfast with breads, meats & pates. Plenty of cereals and fruits even some eggs and bacon for Kevin.
A view of the breakfast room |
And another |
Me by the juice bar |
After breakfast, on the way back to the room we crossed over to the small bakery opposie to buy provisions for the journey ahead. We were to drive out of Germany right across Denmark over the Oresundbron into Malmo in Sweden.
The Ratsbackerei, or bakery |
We then finished packing, paid our bill and set of for the days journey which began with a drive around the whole village which impressed Kevin enough for him to say he'd like to live there.
Then it was back onto the Motorbahn to face those crazy drivers and head of towards Denmark. An hour or so later we arrived at the border and were delighted to be pulled over to have our papers checked. A gorgeous blonde soldier (female) asked why our steering wheel was on the wrong side and told me to buy a proper car next time. She and the others were very good natured and they soon waved us on our way.
We were both of the opinion that security at border crossings should be tight and as I said before, we were both glad to be stopped. When we had passed from Holland into Germany there was no check at all and no security personnel present, showing just how easy it is in these troubled times of terrorism to pass around certain countries in Europe. From the time we left the boat this was the first time we had been asked to show our passports.
Approaching the Danish border |
Danish Security at the border |
After passing through security we rejoined the road, much quieter than it had been in Germany and headed off to the first of the bridges we were to see today. This was the New Little Belt bridge, or the Nye Lillebæltsbro. We crossed the bridge and drove down to the little town below with the unfortunate name of Middlefart. From here we were able to take some nice shots of the bridge above and the railway bridge opposite.
The bridge looking over from Middlefart |
The New Little Belt Bridge |
Another view |
The Little Belt Railway bridge |
After our short stay here we moved on further into Denmark until we reached the Great Belt Bridge, or the Storebaelt. This was so impressive as we crossed on two bridges between and over an island in the middle of the great belt. At the same time a railway line ran alongside the bridge before disappearing into a tunnel.
Below are images of the Great Belt Bridge at various points
The train crossing the bridge
Approaching the second part of the bridge |
As light was fading we then hurried off to Copenhagen to cross the Oresundbron into Malmo but unfortunately the light was not good enough to take many photographs bue we will have more time tomorrow as we will be in Malmo all day. Of what we did take, those below were the best.
On entering the tunnel |
Leaving the tunnel |
The bridge disappearing in the mist |
Approaching the border between Denmark and Sweden in the centre of the bridge |
When we reached the other side we checked into the Goodmorning+ Malmo hotel and Kevin went into the Sauna while I relaxed in the room and wrote my blog. We then had a nice meal in the restaurant and a couple of drinks before having a stroll over to the magnificent Malmo FC stadium. More of that tomorrow and hopefully some good shots of the bridge from this side.
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