Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Australia & New Zealand - Day 12 - 7th June

Day 12

A much nicer day today.  The weather had calmed down, the sun was out and everything seemed just right.  I caught the Manly ferry into Circular Quay and then hopped on the ferry to Darling Harbour.

On the Manly ferry there were many photo opportunities, some of which can be seen below.

In port at Manly waiting to leave

Blue skies and white fluffy clouds.  Not what we've experienced lately

Casting off

Heading out into the Harbour

The entrance to Sydney Harbour. Out there the Tasman Sea, then the Pacific

The Sydney skyline from the harbour

Kirribilli House , Home of the Australian Prime Minister. Where the Royals stay when in town

Nice shot of the Opera House from the ferry

Oh! Buckley's again

Leaving Circular Quay heading to Darling Harbour there were more opportunities.

Former warehouses now expensive living places

One of the bridge towers

Sailing under the Harbour bridge

Whale watching boat.  I'll be doing that soon 

Once I arrived at Darling Harbour I could not believe the buildings that had sprung up since I was last here 12 months ago! New convention centres, offices and restaurants.  I wonder who is doing the fit outs?

Plenty more to see around Darling Harbour, and plenty of green spaces to relax (does that chp look pleased to see me?) or you could try to exercise like the group doing their boxercise class.

For lunch, I went to another favourite of mine.  The Pump House for my usual lunch there of honey glazed lamb ribs with a bowl of beer battered chips. Accompanied by a local draft cider. Heaven!

The Pump House, Darling Harbour

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